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Tallulah Farrar (she/her) is a designer, content producer, and illustrator based in London. 

Since graduating from Massey University with a Bachelor of Design in 2020, she has created impactful work for various campaigns and causes in both full-time and freelance roles.

- Consumer NZ
- Capital Magazine
- Chorus

- Green Party of Aotearoa NZ
- South Coast Arts Trail
Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
Massive Magazine
Sustainability Trust
New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations

- Massey University
- The Spinoff

- 2017-2020 Massey University of Wellington - Bachelor of Textile Design (1st Class Honours)

- Capital Magazine Artist Q&A (2022)
- Your Home & Garden 'Meet the Maker' feature (2022)
- Chorus 'Trees of Aotearoa' (2022) 
- Enjoy Contemporary Art Space 'He Kanohi Kitea' and Studio Visits (2021)
- Surface Design Association Winter Journal (2020)
Exposure, Massey University Graduate Exhibition (2020)
- MEDIUM Group Exhibition, Bowen Gallery (2020)
Artist Feature, Massive Magazine (2020)

- Aotearoa Student Press Awards - Runner Up Best Illustrator (2021)
- Massey University Norwood Award Textiles (2020)
- Surface Design Association Outstanding Student Award (2020)
- ECC Student Craft and Design Award- Highly Commended (2019)
Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia (2019)

Tallulah Portraits July 2022_4.jpg

© 2024 Tallulah Farrar.

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